“So Ham” makes the sound of the breath, the sound of nature, plus the sound of the serpent (nag), which represents the movement of energy through the body’s energy channels (nadi) – Sushumna + ida + pingala nadi = the caduceus
OM Hrim Hamsa Soham Swaha!
Mantra of higher life force (prana)
and centering in the heart.
OM - unmanifest
prana, the primordial sound
HRIM - Primal
sound of female energy (shakti)
[HA = prana, RA =
light, II = shakti force, M = sound of dissolution (anuswara)]
Also a mantra
of the sun and several Hindu goddesses, both purifying and rejuvenating.
HAM SA – increases
solar prana – pingala – illuminating, stimulating
SO HAM – increases
lunar prana – ida – receptive, calming
SWAHA – mantra of offering, energizing,
stimulating, increases fire (agni)
[Swaha is the wife of Agni, God of fire]
Breathing exercise – alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodana pranayama)
Inhale left – mentally
chant OM
Exhale right – HRIM
Inhale right – HAM
Exhale left – SA
Inhale left – SO
Exhale right – HAM
Inhale right – SWA
Exhale left - HA
An auspicious mantra for all purposes
An auspicious mantra for all purposes
Om bhur
bhuvah swaha
savitur vare-niyam
devasya dhimahi
yona prachodaya-at
OM- Parabrahma, BHUR- of Bhurloka (physical plane), BHUVAH- of Antariksha-loka (astral plane), SWAHA- of Swarga Loka (celestial plane)
TAT- who
transcedents paratman, SAVITURA- who is a creator, VARENIYAM- I worship you
BHARGO- remover
of sins, ignorance DEVASYA- giver of glory, DHI MAHI- we meditate,
DHIYO- with our Bhuddhis, intellect, understandings, YO-which NAH- is/us
PRACHODAYAT- Enlightened in us through your guidance
Moon mantras for peace of mind
Om cham chandraya namaha – Mantra for the moon as a planet
Om som somaya namaha – Mantra to receive the essential lunar energy (soma)
Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work. sooth mind